Terag Terag


Two-player sound-based adventure game developed during the Global Game Jam 2018


Echoes is at two-player sound-based adventure game developed for the Global Game Jam 2018.


Welcome to the second game I worked on during a Game Jam! This game was developed at the Global Game Jam 2018.

It was a fun experience working on this game. We were lucky enough to be a team consisting of graphic designers, sound designers and developers which gave us the opportunity to have closed the jam with a nice playable prototype.

Echoes is an exploration game designed to be played in pairs. One of the players is a small child while the other will be a wisp hovering around the main character and encouraging them to explore an old abandoned house.

The player playing the wisp must not see the screen and must wear headphones to get the game out. The other player will have access to the screen and the controller, but not the headphones.

The goal of this game is to understand the sequence of events that lead to the appearance of the wisp. In order to do this, the players will have to pass on information to each other as they both only have part of the overall solution.

The code is available on github and can be opened with Unity 2017

Try it !